Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Hogenakkal   is situated on the border of Karnataka, 46kms from Dharmapuri. One of the major rivers of India and a perennial river of south India the Cauveri flows through and make the soil fertile. The river plays major role in making the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu prosper as it passes through. Kudagu in Karnataka is where the Cauveri originates as a small stream and gathers momentum and gets bigger on her way down. It is in Hogenakkal that the Cauveri enters Tamil Nadu as a big river with gushing waters presents a waterfall.

Hogenakkal Waterfalls, known as the 'Niagara' falls of India, are not a single waterfall but a series of falls and they offer a promising holiday destination for nature lovers from within and outside the country.
Hogenakkal is a hamlet situated in Tamil Nadu bordering Karnataka.

Hogenakkal is considered as one of the most beautiful places in the state. The broad stream of the River Kaveri gets forked at this point, forming an island from where one stream continues on while the other plunges into a deep chasm to create one of the loveliest waterfalls, giving these rocks the name Hogenakkal which means "smoking rock".

The setting of the descent of the Cauveri at Hogenakkal is panoramic. The name Hogenakkal is derived from Kannada. It means smoky rocks. The gushing force of the water when it falls on the rocks below looks like smoke emanating from the rocks. hoge in kannada means smoke and of kal means rock , the falls and the place were called Hogenakkal.

At many places the falls descends as far as 20 mtrs. The water also makes a continuous thundering sound. This gives the area a different atmosphere. At Hogenakkal the water spreads for miles around. The locally made boats are called Parisal . A parisal ride will give you a rare experience.

Surrounded by hills at various heights, Hogenakkal offers the visitors a different ambience and is a refreshing place to relax. Fresh fish caught in the river is cooked and served. One can also take bath in the falls. Local people give oil massages. As the river flows through out the year, Hogenakkal can be visited through the year. To add attraction the forest department maintains a mini zoo and a crocodile park here. The New Moon days in the months in January or Thai and in July or Adi are special for the pilgrims who arrive to take a dip in the river. However on Adi 18th, which is in August, a festival to the river goddess is celebrated.

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